The Yemen Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) was carried out between July 2022 and May 2023 by the Central Statistical Organization Yemen as part of the Global MICS Programme. Technical and financial support were provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
The Global MICS Programme was developed by UNICEF in the 1990s as an international multi-purpose household survey programme to support countries in collecting internationally comparable data on a wide range of indicators on the situation of children and women. MICS surveys measure key indicators that allow countries to generate data for use in policies, programmes, and national development plans, and to monitor progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other internationally agreed upon commitments.
The primary objectives of the Yemen MICS 2022-2023 are to:
. households in Yemen provide high quality data for assessing the situation of children, adolescents, women and•
. action supply data needed for monitoring progress toward national goals, as a basis for future•
.promoting the social inclusion of the most vulnerable provide disaggregated data for the identification of disparities, to inform policies aimed at•
validate data from other sources and the results of focused interventions.•
generate data on national and global SDG indicators•
.various areas, and to put additionalefforts in those areas that require more attention generate internationally comparable data for the assessment of the progress made in•
generate behavioural and attitudinal data not available in other data sources.•
.household surveys, statistical trackingand analysis strengthen the capacity of the Central Statistical Organization in conducting large scale•
The objective of this report is to facilitate the timely dissemination and use of results from the Yemen MICS. The report contains detailed information on the survey methodology, and all standard MICS tables. The report is accompanied by a series of Statistical Snapshots of the main findings of the survey.
:To download your copy of the report PDF, click on the link
For more information on the Global MICS Programme, please go to .mics.unicef.org